Hamilton Tile

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💦💙What is a FLOOD TEST?! Why & how is it DONE?💦💙

It’s the most important factor in a shower build…

Is it water proof?

If you haven’t had a flood test, you don’t truly know.

đź’­What is a flood test?đź’­

Fill the water proof pan, before tile, with water. Take a measurement of the water level. Let the water set for 24hrs. Take another measurement. If the measurements are the same…you have a water proof shower.

After the flood test, you start to set tile.

We do flood tests so that our homeowners can KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT, that their new shower does not leak.

We created a "Flood Test Certificate” signed by Jason and I to confirm a flood test was completed and that can be saved as part of the “service history” of the home.

Flood tests are included with every shower produced by Hamilton Tile.

For you, our homeowner.

If you are curious, here is the ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) guideline for a flood test:


Thank you for your confidence in us and enjoy the video below.⏬⏬