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Wrapped vs. Mirrored tile corners: What does that mean?

How to tile shower CORNERS

Ah, the everlasting question! Mirrored vs wrapped tile corners: What do that even mean??

I want YOU to decide, because ultimately it is personal preference and it is YOUR shower, so YOU should make the decision rather than leaving it up to us. Mind you, sometimes we have to do what works best for the lay out, trying to minimize small pieces, but if it is possible My homeowner has the final word.

Hypothetically, if you are working with a 12” tile and your corner tile works out to be 8” on one wall, the corner tile on the corresponding wall will be 4” to give the illusion of the 12” tile “wrapping” around the corner.

If you want to “mirror” the corner, if the tile in the corner works out to be an 8” tile, the corner tile on the corresponding wall will be 8” to “mirror” the corner tile next to it.

A small detail, but something to pay attention to. I’ve illustrated photos below to help visualize. Neither one is right or wrong, better or worse. Just personal preference.

Wrapped Corners:


Mirrored Corners:


© 2023 HamiltonTileGA.com

Ben here, the curator of this site. This site is here not only as an informational tool for you, but also a promotional tool for our company Hamilton Tile, LLC. Tile and bathroom remodeling is what we do for a living, it’s how we support our families. If you are in our local area and you have a project that you think we would be a good fit for, please contact us. My e-mail is Ben@HamiltonTileGA.com and our office number is 770-675-6916. We would love to display our brand of quality and service in your home. Please follow us on Instagram and Facebook @hamiltontilega . Thanks for being here. For podcast or radio interviews contact us using the contact info above. Please consider DONATING BELOW. THANKS! Just click the photo.